Thursday, June 27, 2013

WE the people???

" I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past."
Thomas Jefferson

   I am outraged by the opinions and comments spewed forth today, by this little misguided group organized by Vicky Hartzler (rep)-MO, had little to do with the politics in California. Only one of them represented the state and is associated with it. But, none the less, had something to prove to the viewing public that they could seize any opportunity to plaster their rhetoric bile. Every one of them mentions the Constitution but are they referring to the letter of the laws, or how they can manipulate them to suit their causes. "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that ALL men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." This is not just a quote from Thomas Jefferson but a lesson from political science 101.

   The "Olde Boys network" that was represented on that podium kept denouncing the Supreme Court going so far as to attack their intelligence. Louie Gohmert (rep)-Texas, claimed "we are NOT a hateful group", but in the same breath, belittled them with accusations of being inconsistent liars living behind "cloistered" walls. Randy Weber (rep)-Texas, took it a step further, at the expense of  President Obama, by attacking the pillars of this country.

   The most outlandish claims they all made was the effect this decision would have on the "children". Joseph Pitts (rep)-Pa.,was the first to display his arrogance by claiming this will have negative effects to children.
Mr. Weber reiterated those misplaced sentiments, adding the institution of religion and forced freedoms. The most heinous regurgitation's came from Michelle Bachmann (rep)-MN. After her rants on the Supreme Courts immorality, she laid claim to crimes against the laws of nature and " natures god". Her soap box overflowed with the mantra of the day: "Its a sad day for the children of America." Making absurd antiquated statements that will put this country back sixty years. Its her definition of a stable marriage that baffles me. Where does she get the data for making such a claim that a good upbringing ONLY comes from a mother and a father?  Everyone on that panel made the same statement, if not directly, they implied it.

   Let me point you in the right direction. Abbie Goldberg is a psychologist at Clark University in Massachusetts and researches gay and lesbian parenting. The results of her research is in an article titled  
" Gay Parents Better then Straight Parents? What Research Says," by Stephanie Pappas ( Senior writer for Livescience). Her research showed that children from homosexual families developed no differently as children from heterosexual families. In fact, in most cases, the children of homosexual parents were more tolerant of gender identification and social understanding. I guess it comes down to the old adage of nature versus nurture. These children, the future as you call them, will only have the biases you teach them. So who is really hurting them? Who really knows whats best for them? The only children you are qualified to speak for are your own!

   On that note, neither any of you represent me nor the state in which I live and vote. As backward as it may be, how can you proclaim that you are showing concerns for the future of my family. Here are some statistics that I happen to fall into: as of  the 2010 census there are 131,729 gay partnered households in the United States and another 514,735 registered gay "unmarried". There are over nine million (9,000,000) people, that is 3.8% of the U.S. population, that identifies as L.G.B.T. So Mrs. Bachmann if you believe in the people, as you say, then let me remind you...WE ARE THE PEOPLE.

    It doesn't end here,and you are right Doug LaMalfa (rep)-CA. It is a sad day for America, when only a small percentage of its citizens can finally achieve some sort of equality and the people they elect to represent them turn it into a platform for politics. As Mr. Gohmert stated, this has been tried over and over at the end of every great civilization. Remember then that those that learn nothing from their history are failed to repeat it.
   Finally, Steve Scalise (rep)-LA, your fear of having substitute moralities forced on voters and their representatives, lets get real. Your true fear is having to deal with the Supreme Court making decisions on future fights in your own state. Face it, you all know that equality is inevitable and as much as you dislike it, as their representatives, your future doesn't seem so secure. What those five Supreme Court Justices did today was historic. What you ten Representatives did today was pathetic. For those not familiar with the current political arena: the D.C. ten to censor are Vicky Hartzler (R)-MO, Joseph (Joe) Pitts (R)-PA, Scott Garrett (R)-NJ, Doug LaMalfa (R)-CA, Randy Weber (R)-TX, Louie Gohmert (R)-TX, Michele Bachmann (R)-MN, John Fleming (R)-LA, Tim Walberg (R)-MI,and Steve Scalise (R)-LA.


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